“In Vino Veritas”

An Interview with Marcus Marshall,
Vice President of Restaurants & Bars

By Lisa Gmur, CSW


HVMG (Hospitality Ventures Management Group) is a pretty cool company. Whether it’s a rooftop bar, a signature restaurant, or a trendy hotel, HVMG has things covered.

Their focus is finding what’s missing from a neighborhood and then coming up with a concept that has just the right combination to flourish and succeed.

A concept that tells a story by creating a thoughtful, provocative, and unique environment. HVMG was founded by Robert Cole back in 2001. Cole had started the Impac Hotel Group which grew to 143 properties and was Marriott’s first franchises.

We talked with Marcus Marshall, HVMG, Vice President of Restaurants & Bars, everything from his military service to his experiences with HVMG.

Pictured: Marcus Marshall on the cover of The Mark Wine News


The Mark Wine Group

Where did you grow up? Well, where did you spend your formative years?

Marcus Marshall

I grew up in Fort Worth, Texas. I did not travel out of the state until my 20’s.

I enlisted in the Marine Corps & I also went to the Culinary Institute in Hyde Park, NY.

It was then that I got to travel and see more food & beverage in other parts of the US & overseas.

The Mark Wine Group

Wow. I had no idea you wore a uniform! The chef thing I definitely knew. What you did with the fresh fish and veggies at King Estate was delicious. So, did you want to be a chef growing up?

Marcus Marshall

Ha! I am a Gen Xer, I was really into music in the late 80’s. I wanted to be a radio DJ and go to all the concerts that were in town.

The Mark Wine Group

DJ’ing is a pretty cool gig. And the girls, right? Were you a foodie as a kid? Or more of a mac n cheese, Spaghetti O’s kind of kid?

Marcus Marshall

My mother wasn’t a good cook, so I did not experience great food growing up 😊 I became aware of great food & beverage when I started working in restaurants.

The Mark Wine Group

I didn’t love my mother’s cooking (or more what she cooked) but I did spend a lot of time at restaurants growing up. I was introduced to wine at a very young age, around 5. Just sips, of course. How about you? Do you remember your first taste of wine?

Marcus Marshall

My first wine was an Italian varietal, either Chianti or Montepulciano. I was working in an Italian restaurant.

The Mark Wine Group

A very good introduction! Both of those are so easy to drink. You were obviously a little older than I was when I first imbibed.

So was that restaurant your first work experience?

Marcus Marshall

Yes. My first job was washing dishes, bussing tables and delivering pizza.

The Mark Wine Group

How did you get to your current job with HVMG?

Marcus Marshall

I was recruited by them. They were looking for an independent restaurant operator who would approach operations differently than typical hotel operations.

Also, I had experience in creating dynamic, chef-driven, concept style restaurants. We have been able to create unique concepts for our hotel partners.

The Mark Wine Group

I really do love the HVMG concept(s). How long have you been at your current position?

Marcus Marshall

It will be 5 years in January.

The Mark Wine Group

We are so excited to finally be doing business with you.

Our partnership with you has been such a great addition. Having you and Ike on our most recent Mark Wine Camp was so much fun.

What other fun places have you traveled for work?

Marcus Marshall

I had the opportunity to open a restaurant in Mexico City. That was an amazing experience. I also created one of the most popular rooftop bars in Chicago in 2008. That was one of my career highlights.

The Mark Wine Group

Outside of work, where have you traveled for fun?

Marcus Marshall

I have traveled to Italy several times and I always enjoy those trips.

The Mark Wine Group

Do you have a favorite getaway spot?

Marcus Marshall

As much as I travel for work, my current “getaway spot” is home. I love to be at home with my girlfriend, my dog, Elvis, and all the comforts of home.

Marcus Marshall, Vice President of Restaurants & Bars, HVMG.

The Darwin, Atlanta, GA


The Mark Wine Group

Let's hear more about your everyday life!

Marcus Marshall

I am so grateful for my life today! I have a girlfriend that I get to share my life with. She makes me very happy.

I have a son who is in his sophomore year of college and is doing great. I am so proud of him. I also moved back to my hometown last year to be closer to my friends & family. I had been away for over 20 years, so it is great to be back.

I have an excellent job that allows me to create new restaurant concepts as well as continue to broaden my reach in the industry.

The Mark Wine Group

In retrospect, how does your life now fare versus how you pictured it when you were younger?

Marcus Marshall

I would have never imagined all that I have been able to create and accomplish.

The Mark Wine Group

I am not at all surprised at what you have accomplished. Do you have a favorite cuisine?

Marcus Marshall

Growing up in Texas I love Texas BBQ. Brisket, especially. Terry Blacks (in Austin), Fox Bros in Atlanta.

The Mark Wine Group

I totally get that. BBQ is HUGE in Texas!  It’s time to talk a little shop. How do you pick new wines for HVMG? 

Marcus Marshall

I am always looking out for producers & varietals that I haven’t heard of. I recognize the more you know, the more you don’t know regarding wine. So, my favorite is discovering a new wine I enjoy.

The Mark Wine Group

Love that! That was always my trajectory when I was a restaurateur. How often do you change your wine program?

Marcus Marshall

Currently we are reviewing and making changes annually.

The Mark Wine Group

There are so many wines out there. How do you decide which wines are best for all your different concepts?

Marcus Marshall

Wow! That is a great question. I am not sure if this is the “right” answer.

But I must admit, I choose wines based more on who sells them than any other characteristic.

Meaning, there is so much great wine. I can always find something I love. So, I chose based on who I want to do business with.

The Mark Wine Group

And of course that is us! ? Ha! Do you find that people buy different wines in different cities? Different regions? 

Marcus Marshall

Yes, more lighter fruitier wines in the South & beach resorts for sure.

The Mark Wine Group

Share your thoughts on current wine trends like Bubbles, Malbec and Rosé?

Marcus Marshall

We try to stay on current trends as that is what our guest are looking for, especially the younger customers. They are really into trying new and different beverages.


The Mark Wine Group

I have been hearing that and I love it. Of course wines like Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cabernet are still faring well, right?

Marcus Marshall

There is always a place on the list for the classics. You just need to have a balance of both.

The Mark Wine Group

Hoping after visiting SakeOne in Oregon that you have been contemplating saké?

Marcus Marshall

Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to sell saké in any of our concepts yet. Maybe I should try it in a cocktail.

The Mark Wine Group

Fabulous idea! Of course, that will need some training. How do you engage your staff with new products?

Marcus Marshall

I think the best way is to have them taste. They cannot sell unless they have the experience to be able to describe the wine.

The Mark Wine Group

The key to success! How do you engage your customers?

Marcus Marshall

I would say that it works the same for our restaurant guest. Allowing them to sample a wine they have never tried. It eliminates any mystery and fear to try something new.

The Mark Wine Group

Love that! Have you noticed any changes in what wines people are drinking?

Marcus Marshall

Our guests are less concerned about the old “status” wines and wine producers. They are less concerned about the “brand” and more interested in the juice.

The Mark Wine Group

The juice rules! Has this changed the focus of your wine program? 

Marcus Marshall

It gives us confidence to give a lesser-known wine a chance in our program as long as it taste great and delivers value.

The Mark Wine Group

Way cool. If there was one varietal that you would like everyone to try, what would it be?

Marcus Marshall

I always enjoy an Arneis from Piedmont. It is a great white wine varietal that is truly underrated.

The Mark Wine Group

What a fantastic varietal and region!  What percent of your beverage business is wine sales?

Marcus Marshall

I operate a very diverse portfolio of hotels, from Florida resort properties to big city urban business hotels.

We sell more wine in town than on the beach. Resorts average 20-25%, in the city it is 30%+

The Mark Wine Group

What tier wines sell the best?

Marcus Marshall

Most of our properties are mid-range ADR, so our wines that are most successful fall in the same tier. Wines that sell $12-$14 by the glass.

The Mark Wine Group

That seems to be the most popular BTG price lately across the board. What’s your favorite part of your job?

Marcus Marshall

I have a servant heart. I still get excited by creating authentic, personal, guest experiences. I hope I always will.

I truly believe that my success in this industry is based on my genuine enthusiasm to make people happy.

The close second is being in a season of my career that I get to mentor young industry professionals. Watching them learn & grow is an opportunity that I am very grateful for.

The Mark Wine Group

I love that and I am right there with you. What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Marcus Marshall

Every decision that I make, I try to weigh what is best for the guest, the associate, and our owner partners. It is always challenging to meet everyone’s expectations. But I think it is necessary to try your best in most situations.

The Mark Wine Group

Beautifully said. Being everyone’s everything is so hard. Did you have a mentor coming up in the industry?

Marcus Marshall

I have been fortunate during my career to have many mentors. Personally, I have had chef instructors from the CIA to a boss that gave me my first management job.

I also consider Danny Meyer to be a mentor. I have only met him casually, but his book, “Setting The Table,” was a standard for service & hospitality as I was developing my own standards as I progressed in my career.

The Mark Wine Group

Shout out to Danny Meyer! Thank you so much for this!

Marcus Marshall

My pleasure! Thanks for the opportunity!

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Cabernet Sauvignon
at HVMG Hotels!


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  • The Ballard Lane wines are a reflection of the Millers, a Central Coast family who has farmed the area for five generations.

  • Their proprietary knowledge of the climate and terroirs of the Central Coast are reflected in each bottle of Ballard Lane wine.

  • SIP Certified are a rigorous sustainable vineyard, winery and wine certification with strict, non-negotiable requirements, committed to standards based on science and expert input.

Grab a glass and enjoy the many comforts of The Darwin in Atlanta.

Dine at the stunning “Rack House” at the Campbell House in Lexington.